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When Data Privacy
Meets Life Sciences

Welcome to MyData-TRUST, your Global Data Protection & Privacy One Stop Shop for Life Sciences. Our expertise in various Data Protection regulations dedicated to your industry ensure you the best privacy coverage and compliance.

US Data Privacy for Health 2024

Join us for our Data Privacy Summit in North Carolina this September 10. Let’s discuss about Global Privacy Compliance, AI, Data Breaches and more…


MyData-TRUST Experts

A unique association of IT, Legal and Clinical Experts

Complete coverage of services: consulting, implementation, solutions, and on-site consultancy
MyData-TRUST’s team comes from the Clinical Industry and acquired strong Data Protection expertise through different pieces of training and certification (Data Protection Officer – DPO). By working in business units, MyData-TRUST’s team can cover every question; IT, Legal or Clinical. This unique association of skills provides complete coverage of Data Protection aspects.
And most of all, this is a team who like to work together and learn from each other.

Our Company

Our services

How can we help you?

Explore our wide range of services here or contact us to discuss your needs and how we can best support your Life Science needs


Train your Team

Train your team

Ensure your team understands data protection requirements and how they impact them.

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Audits&Risk Assessements

Audits & Risk Assessments

A Gap Analysis identifies where your company may be at risk of non-compliance, suggests solutions, and maps your data.

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Legal Support

Legal Support

Our Expert legal team is available to answer your questions, advise, and support deliverables.

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Data Protection Officer

Data Protection Officer

We provide experienced, accredited Life Science Data Protection Officers as a Service to advise, support and monitor your compliance: full-time, part-time, or as a support to your existing DPO.

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Data Protection Representative

Data Protection Representative

We can be your Data Protection Representative for different territories around the world

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Discover our tools

Privacy Management Platform

Coming Soon

Online training platform

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Why Choose MyData-TRUST ?

MyData-TRUST is a company specializing in Data Protection, exclusively dedicated to the Life Science Industry.

Our team at MyData-TRUST is dedicated to providing exceptional Data Protection and Compliance services. With our comprehensive knowledge and years of experience, we implement the most effective strategies to manage data privacy and protection, helping our clients to mitigate any risk and stay in line with ever-changing regulations

Our added value is in our unique double expertise; Data Protection & Clinical expertise. MyData-TRUST’s team comes from the same kind of company as the one they work for. We know the sector; our goal is to give clients the keys to fully comply with Data Protection regulations and ensure compliance.

About us

Our Upcoming Events

U.S. Data Privacy for Health 2024

 Date & Time: 10 September 2024 | 9AM-6:00PM
 Place : Research Triangle Park, Durham, North Carolina

Register to save your seat!


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